Tuesday, May 7, 2013

When reality hits you in the face

Smack. Reality just punched me in the face. Hard. Around an hour ago, I was thinking freaking out about the future, per usual, when the reality of graduation set in. I have always been more comfortable around people who are older than me, but this year, those people became my best friends. The majority of my closest friends are graduating in less than a month and I can't even believe it. They are buying dorm furniture and applying for housing. They are enrolling in classes and planning graduation parties. They are living and breathing the life of a college student and I am still here. Smack. Stuck in a high school rut filled the monotonous routine of class, homework, test, class, homework, test. Being left without most of my friends next year scared me, and reality gave me another giant slap across the cheek. Smack. No more advice for my senior year classes. No more gossip about those older than me who live in what seems like a different world. No more Thai food, romantic comedy movie nights or hot yoga sessions. No more coffee runs, Chili's dinners, or group texts [okay, probably group texts] but still. I feel like next year will be a totally new experience, and I know I need to stop being such a baby, but it is quite a strange feeling, having the maturity level of a grown adult like I do. I hope my friends and I stay close, but I know it won't be the same. What a day.

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