Saturday, May 18, 2013

A most rewarding Friday night

Coats were strewn over tables decorated with colorful tablecloths and flowers. Corsages matched boutonnieres and long, flowing dresses were the main attraction. A buffet table was overflowing with catered food and a DJ blasted the latest tracks. No, we were not at a formal Lake Central dance. We were at the Best Buddies Annual Non-Prom, a dance sponsored by the club I happen to be an officer of. The club's purpose is to bring together mentally disabled students and normally functioning ones, creating friendships that may have never surfaced before. The dance also served as a mixer between school districts, as we had about 15 Best Buddies members from a nearby school come to join in on the fun. The program is international, and there are chapters almost everywhere. The dance was a true success. 
I also had a really nice time talking to the sponsor [my English teacher] at the dance. She is by far one of my favorite teachers I have ever had. On the walks to and from her classroom to retrieve decorations, food, etc, we chatted about college and the future and life and The Great Gatsby and existentialism. It was fabulous. 
After the dance, me and one of my best friends snuck five boxes of candy into The Great Gatsby movie [an amazing movie, by the way] and had a great time. Maybe my Friday night was not the most normal of nights, but I felt like a better person and a happier kid at the same time. 

Bridget, Taylor [Bridget's Buddy] and I at Best Buddies Prom

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