- a photo of a camouflage prom dress, taken at Saturday's prom
- talk of an upcoming exchange of baggies filled with
unknown substancesweed - a hoard of AP Calculus students zombie-crawling out of their AP tests
- a girl eating a giant tub of chocolate pudding with a plastic spoon during passing period
- a couple who needed a room. more like a house. or a mansion. it was gross, to say the least
- more strange substances being arranged for "pick up."
- a teacher with a desk full of empty Mountain Dew cans.
- rowdy kids harassing a janitor
- a student who came to class with no backpack, books, pencils, anything.
- a girl overheating in the coldest room in the school
- a student stressing out over AP tests to the point where she cried after school for a couple minutes. Oh, wait, that was me.
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