Sunday, April 21, 2013

transparent, colorful, and looking toward a goal

Today, while procrastinating from studying for my ACT, I was perusing through design inspiration and ideas. After returning from Ball State journalism day [a day dedicated to educating high-school students on journalism through classes at the university] I was inspired to design all things journalism. When I arrived home [from a hellish 5 hour bus ride] I was surprised with the Adobe Creative Suite as a gift from my father.  This includes Indesign, Illustrator, and Photoshop, which are all the basics I need to start my path to my career as well as begin growing an idea for next year's yearbook [I am hoping to be editor-in-chief].  In my perusal, I came across some amazing designs, which I hope to recreate for practice. I was inspired and enlightened and I hope to "steal like an artist" [in the words of Emily Theis, an amazing designer I met at J-day]. That means learning from what the pros do and making it your own. Here are some of the designs that caught my eye:

I am in love with the transparency and the overlap of color. I think it is modern, chic, and fun to look at.

This design goes along with the transparency and color theme.  I love the repetition of the triangle bullet points and the simple sans serif text. So sexy, right? 

This immediately screamed YEARBOOK and I love the color that could play into the sections.  I love the simple and modern feel that still looks fun and easy to read.

Man, I just want to be editor-in-chief.  That is all. 

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