Monday, April 22, 2013

spring, sun, and standardized tests

Tomorrow I take the ACT, the American College Test, which determines my achievement level and whether I go to Harvard or Ivy Tech. Not that extreme of course, but in my teenage eyes, it seems like the "make it or break it" test. I braced myself for tomorrow by making today a good day. I had my favorite courses (AP English, Government, and ACP Chemistry) and my favorite teache Mrs. Clark. I participated in Best Buddies after school, where I help out special needs kids with activities and building relationships. I treated myself to ice cream when I got home and did my homework outdoors.  I channeled Earth Day through a cute outfit and got my homework done on time. All in preparation for the hell that awaits me in E110 tomorrow from 7:15 to around noon. I know that this important test foretells my future and that I must do well (I have a goal of a 31, but who knows) and that if I perform my best, it will pay off in the end. College is scary and it seems as though one can never be as prepared as the next. I am trying to just take it one step at a time, enjoy myself every once and a while, and strive to be the best I can be. 
shirt, tank top, bracelet, and sunnies:  Urban Outfitters

My sister and I enjoying the sunny day by doing trigonometry homework and sharing laughs

Charli, sunbathing and providing distraction for my sister and I 

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