Until today.
Everything that I have been working so tirelessly toward has come to this point: my acceptance into Boston University. Four years of sleepless nights, stressful panics, early morning study sessions, after-school practice tests, SAT and ACT rounds- it all boiled down to today.
I hate being proud and I hate showing self-righteousness but I have to say that I am pleased with myself. I no longer have to self-deprecate around others who have higher GPAs or more AP classes. I am no longer being compared to anyone else because I got accepted into my dream school, which is more than I could ask for. The pressure's off. I feel weightless.
Of course, I will continue to do my best in school because A) They can revoke my acceptance and B) I value public education and I truly love going to school [or at least the classes I enjoy.] Preparing to enter a work environment like BU is something that gives me more the reason to kick ass the rest of the semester and annihilate these upcoming final exams.
I just love life right now. I am beyond ecstatic. Also, I've been online shopping for BU apparel, which is a little over the top. I need to study for finals.